About us

We are the Justice for Rooble campaign group, made up of Rooble’s family, friends, and supporters. We are spread across the world from Somalia and the UK, to the USA and Norway. 

We are collaborating with Germany-based Recherche Zentrum and Forensis to investigate the case and fight for justice, and KOP Berlin in our campaign work.

Recherche Zentrum is a group of investigative journalists, activists, and filmmakers, and the first independent body for investigations into deaths in police custody in Germany. 

Forensis is an interdisciplinary team of researchers. They work with individuals and communities affected by state and corporate violence, supporting their demands for justice, reparations, and accountability. They specialise in spatial and visual investigation, time-based 3D reconstruction, cartographic platforms, and open source investigations. Their work is produced as evidence for presentations in courts, human rights forums, parliamentary inquiries, truth commissions and people’s tribunals.

KOP Berlin, the Campaign for Victims of Police Violence, is a Berlin based organisation challenging institutional racism. Among other things, the group investigates, documents and supports victims of police attacks and assaults and refers them to counselling centres, and challenges the police practice of racial profiling.

To do this important work, we are funded by Bewegungsstiftung. Bewegungsstiftung is a community foundation based in Verden, Germany. It supports social movements working for ecology, peace and human rights with grants and advice.